
For assistance with issues relating to The Skilled Migrant (Points) category, or to establish if you qualify under this category, please forward your CV or resume to 

Alternatively. if you have the time and inclination, please complete the online form.

We will get back to you with a totally free, no obligation personalised assessment before the end of the next business day. The information provided is yours to use as you see fit.

If you have additional questions that arise as a result of the assessment being provided, we will be happy to assist.

If you provide us with contact details, we will be able answer your questions.

The Skilled Migrant online form

Full Name

Email address

Date of Birth

Country of Birth

Place of Birth

Country of Citizenship

Other Citizenships held

if applicable

Marital Status

Date of Birth of Spouse

if included in application

Number of children

Dates of Birth of children

if included in application

Details of all qualifications including:

Name of institute

Number of years of study

Type of qualification gained

Same details for spouse

if applicable

Details of employment history

That can be documented by genuine

references from previous employers.

Details of any immediate family

members currently resident in

New Zealand who are prepared

to act as sponsor for applicant

Details of any job offer

available in New Zealand

Details of any funds that can be

transferred to New Zealand.

Valued in US or NZ dollars.

Evidence of English language ability for principal applicant and those included in the application aged 16 years and over

Details of any health problems

Details of any criminal convictions

Details of any previous visa problems

in New Zealand or elsewhere

Details of countries lived in for one

year or more in the last decade





Note :  all information submitted in this form is secure and encrypted
