Terms of Trade:

1. Fees & Charges:
Fees for services provided by Migrate New Zealand Limited are based on a number of considerations. These include the time of the consultant and support staff spent on the project, its complexity and importance, the degree of skill, urgency, knowledge and responsibility involved and, in some circumstances, the results. We are fully committed to providing timely and efficient services and having very clear communication lines with our clients. For that reason we record key information pertaining to you and the objective of this contract.

Jobs may be quoted or based on time and cost incurred. An estimate can be provided where reasonably accurate time can be calculated.

Disbursements relating to your job may also be charged. These include:

 -Kilometres at 60c per km
 -Photocopying at 15c per A4 page
 -Toll calls and taxes
 -Other subcontractor fees/charges
 -Other travel or accommodation costs incurred

Often we are required to pay disbursements on behalf of a client during a transaction or project. You will be asked, at the commencement of a transaction or project, to provide us with sufficient funds to meet payment of any necessary disbursements. Where this is not the case you will be billed for the disbursements at cost plus 10%.

Accounts will be issued at each of three stages during the transaction, namely:

 -When you sign the acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms of trade.
 -When the appropriate application is lodged with the New Zealand Immigration Service.
 -Within twenty one days of the date the New Zealand Immigration Service makes a final decision on your application.

Each invoice will be for approximately one third of the total cost, with any additional charges added to the third invoice.

2. Payment of Accounts:
Accounts may be paid by cash, cheque or automatic payment. The first account is to be paid on receipt. The other two accounts are due within fourteen days from the date of invoice for services provided by Migrate New Zealand Limited.

Should you have any difficulty meeting any account, we are prepared to discuss this with you. We encourage our clients to discuss the issue of costs at the commencement of a transaction or project. Clients can then budget effectively for such costs.

In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with the level of service provided to you or the charges for services, please discuss this with us at the earliest possible opportunity.

Any dispute concerning this contract where the amount is less than $15,000 shall be referred to the Disputes Tribunal. This contract is deemed to be a memorandum in writing agreeing to extend the jurisdiction of the Disputes Tribunal to $15,000.

3. Quotations:
Where fixed price quotations are provided, these are exclusive of GST and disbursements.

4. Responsibility:
We will prepare and lodge with the New Zealand Immigration Service an appropriate application in order to achieve the objective of the services which we are to provide you. We will act as your representative and advocate on your behalf with the New Zealand Immigration Service. By signing the acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms and trade, you authorise us to so act as your representative. You also promise that the information you have supplied to us is correct and that there is no further information which you have omitted to supply us which would have a material effect on whether the objective of the services can be achieved. In other words, if you are not honest with us we cannot assist you and will be entitled to terminate our agreement and retain any fees and disbursements on giving written notice to you. 

While we will make every endeavour to ensure a fully professional approach to all work carried out, we cannot guarantee the results as many factors are outside of our control.

Consequently, we will not be liable for any consequences of the provision of services to you, except for consequences arising as a direct result of our wilful negligence.

5. Interest on Overdue Accounts:
In the absence of special arrangements, we do not allow a credit facility. For that reason we reserve the right to charge interest on all overdue accounts (including fees and disbursements) at a rate of fifteen percent (15%) per annum. Overdue accounts are deemed to be those accounts which remain unpaid after fourteen days from the date of invoice for services provided by us.

Collection costs incurred by us for the collection of any overdue accounts will be your responsibility and all charges must be paid in full at the time of collection.

6. Acknowledgement of Terms:
This document contains the terms upon which we accept your instructions to act for you.

Unless you formally advise otherwise, your continued instruction will be taken by us as your acceptance of these terms. Nevertheless, to avoid any misunderstanding, we ask you to sign the acknowledgment below.

I/We acknowledge and accept the Terms of Trade contained in this document.

Client Name: ...................................................................................

Objective of the services we are to provide: .........................................




Quotation (Excl GST): $ ............................. 

Other Charges: $ .............................

TOTAL (Excl. GST): $ .............................

Signed: .............................................................
By you (the client)


Signed: .............................................................
On Behalf of Migrate New Zealand Limited


